‘People deserve care and love in their time of need’
We work together with the management of Macclesfield Town Centre and the Police to help people, whoever they are and whatever their situation, by listening, caring, offering practical help or referring them to specialist agencies.
As volunteers from the local churches we walk around the town on Saturday nights (from 10.30pm - 3.00am):
- providing a Christian presence
- giving free bottles of water
- helping out with free flip-flops for those who need them
- lending a listening ear to those whose evening has not turned out so well
- giving simple first aid
- inviting those who need a warm drink back to the United Reformed Church, our centre
- referring those who are in dire need to the emergency services
If you would like to consider helping with Street Angels Macclesfield on a Saturday evening:
- Please contact your church leader or administrator
- email [email protected]
- or call Pip Mosscrop Street Angels coordinator on 07715 495701